Submit an Event

Thanks for submitting an event to the LiveTaos calendar!

Events published on Live Taos will also appear on the Daily Events Calendar on

All events are proofed and approved by LiveTaos staff before going live, so don't worry if you don't see your event posted immediately. We do our best to make all submissions live within 24 hours (although it's usually much faster than that).

Please search for your event before submitting it -- we do our best to stay on top of people's calendars, and may have already posted it!

  • Your Info
  • Event Info
  • When
  • Where
  • Details
  • Image
  • Submit

Your Info

Event Info

The event name. Example: Concert in The Park


Is this a recurring event?

For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.

This event repeats every day
Event Times to


If your location doesn’t exist in this list, please select ’No Location’ and include the venue name and address in the Details.


Event descriptions are limited to 750 characters.
Please shorten your description.


It would help us immensely if you would include an image with your event posting.
Images must be smaller than 2,000 pixels wide and 2,000 pixels high. If you have any issues uploading an image please email the picture to and include the name of the event in the subject along with ’PICTURE’

No image uploaded for this event yet
