Chapters of life are hanging on the walls at the Stables Gallery. 11 years of musical adventures documented on the very boxes that fueled some of my favorite creative moments.
11 years ago it started in the top left corner with a very rare Two Ton Strap show at the Taos Inn. Yep, it happened, the poster proves it. A keg of PBR was tapped specially for that night and it was the only time the Taos Inn cleared a keg in one night.

2008 was high powered blender filled with tragedy and wonder. We lost a friend who used to pour gasoline on creative fires. He introduced us to many dear friends and shaped us in many ways. In the wake of that loss Two Ton Strap “sort of” learned some songs to honor the man who taught us how to loosen up and intoxicate properly before a show.
We left for Kansas in the middle of the night and made it to Wichita with time for a few beers with Pa and Dylan. We swam through Kansas humidity to an auditorium where we hunkered down in a bomb shelter of a green room in a cocktail of body sweat and beer stench. After properly marinating ourselves, we were escorted to a room to meet some new and old friends. Things were a bit foggy and emotionally charged, but I remember sitting on the floor when Sarah Hart walked in and sat down next to Kevyn. I knew, in that instant, everything changed.
Life is a strange and ruthless boulder. Its path doesn’t waver for anyone, but sometimes it smashes open a hole for those aware enough to have the courage to trip over the remnants of a threshold.
Many strange and unpredictable things have happened in 12 years. One of which was Sarah gracing Taos with her creativity. In the 11 years she has been printing in Taos, I have been lucky to find my way in to a crazy number of posters. These posters are small, but are forged by a ridiculous amount of work, talent, time and effort. Sarah has made Two Ton Strap and many of my bands, many other bands, albums, projects, businesses, events, and walls look much better than they deserve to.
She makes art accessible. Her posters are hidden treasures in a sea of boring flyers on overflowing bulletin boards. You have probably selfishly taken a poster before the show, honoring and dishonoring her art in the same swift removal of a couple thumbtacks.

The walls of Ennui Gallery overflow with art like overpopulated bulletin boards. In the case of Ennui, there are endless treasures. Ennui Gallery is a co-op that rethinks the way art can be accessed. Sarah has hosted many of the best intimate sitting room concerts in Taos at Ennui. It hosts a wide variety of creativity in all of its forms.
I was recently in a long conversation with someone about the meaning of success. My definition has always been rooted in creativity. If you are not constantly striving to create something that will help make other people enjoy life a little bit more, you are not successful.
Sarah is one of the most successful people I know.
Artists don’t often make money. They motivate themselves through appreciation of their art, and in some cases, they create for reasons most of us don’t understand. The best thing you can do if you love someone’s art is to support them in any way you can. Think about every Sarah Hart poster you have ever appreciated, or perhaps taken, and return the favor.
Come celebrate 11 years of cool, quirky, thoughtful art. Remind Sarah how many people her whimsical and generous art has touched. Maybe you can share your money without expectation. That’s how she has been sharing her art with Taos.
The celebration starts Friday February 7th at the Stables Gallery, and goes through Sunday. If I were you, I would come on Saturday night when there will be live music. The Art of Flying, Two Ton Strap and Fizz will be playing starting at 7pm.
You can find out more here: