In honor of LGBTQ+ Month SOMOS Presents a Reading by Laura Jacobs

Sunday , June 9th, 2024

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

free with donations welcome to support initiatives in the Taos LGBTQ+ community

SOMOS Salon & Bookshop

In honor of LGBTQ+ and SOMOS’ Heritage Reading Series we present a reading by Laura Jacobs, from New York City. Laura A. Jacobs LCSW-R (she/he/they/none), is a trans and genderqueer psychotherapist, public speaker, author, and activist with 15+ years specializing in transgender, nonbinary, LGBTQIA+, kink/BDSM, nonmonogamy, and sex work. Laura has authored or coauthored books, chapters, and articles, and their upcoming book, Surviving Transphobia, was released in Fall, 2023. They served as the first transgender Chair of the Callen Lorde Community Health Center in New York City. Laura was presented the 2019 Standard of Excellence Award by the American Association for Sexuality Education, Counseling, and Therapy and several others.

The reading is free but donations are welcome to support initiatives in the Taos LGBTQ+ community(i.e.: Pride Month events).