
Monday , April 1st, 2024

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

$13 drop-in. Class passes available.

High Frequency Loft

AcroYoga is a physical practice done with a partner which combines yoga, Thai massage, gymnastics and acrobatics. It’s fun and easy, and anyone can do it. All ages and levels welcome. No experience required! No partner needed for acroyoga, but parents are expected to participate in the class for children.

Why lift weights when you can lift your friends? Fly, stretch, breathe, and play. We will learn a sequence of foundational poses with an emphasis on proper technique and alignment. A solid foundation is needed to build a strong acrobatic yoga practice, so we will focus on strength, conditioning, and hand balancing to awaken all the proper muscles needed to get upside down and off the ground, with a little help from your friends! Whether you are beginner or advanced, come refine technique. We will do poses that elongate the spine to help relieve stress and tension for both the base and the flyer. Come prepared to have fun and leave feeling alive!