Science. Conversations. Teens. Community. Cafe Scientifique!

Youth Leadership Team

Youth Leadership Team

Cafe Scientifique is a non-profit organization that provides fun and interesting presentations to high school teenagers on cutting-edge science topics. Monthly, hour and a half cafés are presented to Taos teens on biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and more. Though these presentations are geared towards high schoolers, anyone is welcome to attend! Cafe Scientifique also runs presentations in Los Alamos, Santa Fe, Espanola and Albuquerque.

This is the second year that Taos has offered lectures. We are excited to start off the 2014 season. Scientists present on a topic, and then follow up by engaging audiences with a hands-on activity. Some teachers even give extra credit if their students attend a cafe! In addition, students have the opportunity to win prizes in a raffle. Furthermore, food is always provided at each cafe. For anyone interested in science, this is the place to be.

The Taos Cafe Scientifique Youth Leadership Team is responsible for organizing, managing, and running cafés. The team is comprised of teen volunteers who donate their time because they are passionate about science, and love to help out. Those who are interested in becoming youth leaders, visit the Cafe Scientifique website or, for Taos specific inquiries, message the Leadership Team Facebook page.

The next cafe will feature Dr. Ruy Ribiero presenting on “Your Immune System vs HIV: can the War Be Won?” This presentation will be at the Mural Room in the Taos Plaza on Tuesday, September 9 and run from approximately 7-8:30 pm. If more information is needed, contact information can be found at the bottom of this article.


Taos Cafe Scientifique Coordinator: Meghan McFail (575-770-9717)

Facebook Page:



President: Damille Devenyi

Vice President: Roy Madrid

Treasurer: Katie Emery

Secretary: Leonor Morrow