Save a Horse, Buy a Cowgirl

Everyone knows that we here at LiveTaos are huge proponents of buying local all year round, but it becomes especially relevant in these (gulp) three remaining weeks before Christmas, as the gift-buying season swings into full gear and we scramble desperately to find the right gift for that hates-your-taste-in-sweaters-aunt and doesn’t-need-any-more-types-of-bitters-brother-in-law.

But despair no more! There are plenty of tremendously lovely, quirky, Taos-y options to check off your list this year, and LiveTaos is pleased to give you the low-down on some of our favorite opportunities to get your shopping done in authentic, local, non-threatening environments.

First up: this Friday night, head to the Community Center in Arroyo Seco (the old elementary school) to peruse the work of 5, count ’em five local artists.

clay cowgirls

Photo courtesy

Friday (December 5) from 5:00pm – 8:30pm, check out works by

— Claire Blanchard: upholstery and interior design elements

— Anee Ward: paintings

— Jill Rounds: paintings, collage, and gorgeous wool bags

— Lilli Steinlicht: ceramics, and

— Laura Brzozowski: cups, mugs, bowls, and the charming wood-fired clay cowgirls featured here.

Speaking of those cowgirls, I asked Laura what led her to develop this delightful collection — which I suspect will be found under many a tree waiting for many a wild-western lady this holiday season.

“Moving out from the northeast I’ve been completely enchanted by the southwest, particularly by the resilient women I’ve met that build their own houses, start their own businesses, get down to the dirty work and make their way, many thriving outside of those cultural stereotypes,” Laura said. “These women, friends, mentors, and peers have transformed into the characters that people my mind’s wild west.”

She’s made dozens of these clay cowgirls, who find themselves in all kinds of situations — this open house and party is worth the trip to check out these little ladies alone.
silent auction seco

And, in true Taos form, this event boasts the requisite philanthropic element: this painting, by Anee Ward, will be up for silent auction to support young local golfers. Join the event on facebook to see real-time updates from the artists about what they’re bringing to the table!

Added bonus: you’ll be able to purchase treats from the Farm House Cafe, and enjoy complimentary refreshments (but honestly, who needs more of a bonus than the gratification of supporting and hanging with fabulous local artists?). We’ll see you there, Taos.


Arroyo Seco Open Studio and Holiday Party
Friday, December 5, 5pm – 8:30pm
Arroyo Seco Community Center
Free! But bring your wallet! And your holiday cheer!


Do you know about a great local shopping opportunity this holiday season? Email and we’ll help get the word out. Let’s keep our dolla dolla bills in town this season, Taos!